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July 2024 Specials

Lipo B Special

Buy 4 Lipo B Get Customized Facial with Kimberly or Lexi for Free/or 2 Lipo B for Free

Hydrofacial Express

Hydrofacial Express (Aquafirme) with free Dermaplane $175.

Buy 2 Get 1

Buy 2 Caramel Crunch Get one Shake or Hot Chocolate for Free

Scarlet Specials

Buy 3 month of Wellness Injections Get Face and Neck Scarlet for $550 per Treatment (Must Purchase 3/$1650).

Buy 2 Areas ($1200) of Scarlet Body Get 2 Free. Must package in groups of 3 ($3600). *An area is a 5’x8’ area determined in initial consultation. 

The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Plan

What is the HCG Plan?

The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) diet plan is a weight loss program that combines a very low-calorie diet with regular injections or supplements of HCG hormone. The HCG hormone is produced naturally during pregnancy and is believed by some to aid in weight loss by reducing hunger and promoting the use of stored fat for energy.

The HCG diet typically consists of two main components:

  1. Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD): Participants consume a highly restricted daily calorie intake, often as low as 500-800 calories per day. The diet primarily includes lean proteins, vegetables, and minimal carbohydrates and fats. Dieters are encouraged to avoid sugar and starches.

  2. HCG Hormone: The HCG hormone is administered via daily injections, oral drops, or other forms, as prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is believed to help suppress appetite and promote fat loss while preserving muscle mass.

The HCG diet plan is usually divided into several phases, including loading (increasing calorie intake while starting HCG), the VLCD phase, and a maintenance phase where calorie intake gradually increases. Supporters of the HCG diet claim that it can lead to rapid weight loss.

It’s important to note that the HCG diet is controversial and not without risks. Many medical professionals and organizations, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have expressed concerns about its safety and efficacy. Extreme calorie restriction can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health complications. Before considering the HCG diet or any other weight loss plan, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the potential risks and benefits and explore safer and more sustainable weight loss options.

Common Aesthetic Concerns Addressed by the HCG Plan:

It’s important to note that while the HCG plan may address these concerns for some individuals, its safety and efficacy are a subject of debate within the medical community. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any weight loss plan, including the HCG diet, is essential to ensure it aligns with an individual’s specific needs and goals. Additionally, exploring alternative and sustainable approaches to weight management is advisable to achieve long-term aesthetic and health benefits.

How Does the HCG Plan Work?

The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) plan is a weight loss approach that involves a combination of a very low-calorie diet and the use of HCG hormone supplements. Here’s how it typically works:

  • HCG Hormone: HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. In the HCG plan, synthetic HCG hormone is usually administered through injections, drops, or oral tablets. The hormone is believed to help curb appetite and promote the utilization of stored fat for energy.

  • Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD): Individuals following the HCG plan adhere to a strict and extremely low-calorie diet, often limited to around 500-800 calories per day. This diet typically consists of lean protein sources, minimal carbohydrates, and a limited selection of fruits and vegetables.

  • Phases: The HCG plan typically consists of several phases, including an initial loading phase where individuals eat high-calorie foods for a few days while taking HCG supplements. This is followed by a VLCD phase that lasts for several weeks. Afterward, a maintenance phase gradually reintroduces more calories and a broader range of foods.

  • Calorie Restriction: The main mechanism of weight loss in the HCG plan is calorie restriction. By drastically reducing calorie intake, the body is forced to use stored fat for energy, leading to weight loss.

  • Supplementation: Advocates of the HCG plan believe that the hormone helps suppress hunger and maintain muscle mass while on the very low-calorie diet.

  • Monitoring: Regular monitoring, often under the guidance of a healthcare provider, is recommended to ensure safety and progress during the plan.

Benefits of the HCG Plan:

Rapid Weight Loss: One of the primary claims of the HCG plan is rapid weight loss. The combination of a very low-calorie diet and HCG supplementation is believed to lead to quick and substantial reductions in body weight.

Appetite Suppression: HCG is believed to help suppress appetite, making it easier for individuals to adhere to the extremely low-calorie diet without feeling excessively hungry.

Preservation of Muscle Mass: Advocates suggest that HCG may help protect lean muscle mass during weight loss, as the hormone encourages the body to use stored fat for energy instead of breaking down muscle tissue.

Reduction in Fat Deposits: Some users report targeted fat loss from stubborn areas, such as the abdomen and thighs, as a result of the HCG plan.

Structured Program: The HCG plan provides a structured approach to weight loss, including specific phases and guidelines for calorie intake, which some individuals find helpful for their weight loss journey.

Motivation: Quick initial weight loss can provide motivation for individuals to continue with their weight loss efforts.
